Thursday 27 January 2011

Palolim Goa

There is a distinct lack of wifi in Palolim which is not necessary a bad thing. Although it has made updating the old blog a bit tricky.

Palolim is a beach resort in Southern Goa. Its far less developed as a resort as Varkala making it a much more chilled out place. Unfortunately a beach resort is not the best place for a big ginger bloke with a broken foot. I can't swim and I can't go in the sun....

That said I have discovered a solution to this problem that has solved my lethargy... I've been out and about exploring Southern Goa on a scooter. Its great fun, doesn't involve using my foot and allows me to imagine that I look like something out of Easy Rider. What more do you need!!

We're heading up into central Goa at the weekend. So I'll keep you posted

JT out

Sunday 23 January 2011

Ups and downs

Have left the beautiful Varkala we jumped on a quick train up to Kollam. The contrast couldn't be more different whereas Varkala was a tropical paradise, Kollam was a pretty poor example of a typical Indian city. Dirty, polluted and worse of all no bars!!!!

Luckily we only stopped for one night. The hotel we were in was something else but I won't even go there....

To travel between Kollam and Alleppey we booked a 8 boat trip through the backwaters. It was the perfect antidote to Kollam. Super chilled out with amazing scenery.

In Alleppey we also landed on our feet. We were recommended a home-stay by someone on the boat. The place turned out to be great, with an amazing garden restaurant come bar and most amazing of all it was cheaper than the dump in Kollam!!

Tuesday 18 January 2011


After a very peaceful train journey (surprisingly for India) in an air conditioned carriage I have arrived in Varkala

Varkala is a beach resort set along a cliff-side in southern Kerala. It is a little bit like the Thamel area of Kathmandu transported to a tropical beach. But that said it's very chilled out and with miles of bars and beaches. Not I can make much use of beaches with my stupid foot in plaster.

I even managed to buy a couple of lightweight shirts (or blouses as I'm sure Jamie would call them). I'll bring one each back for the boys at the football

Monday 17 January 2011

Fort Kochi

I've spent two days chilling out in the very pleasant (touristy) area of Kochi. That said it's been nice to relax and read, keeping the weight off of my foot. I'm currently half way through a biography of Indira Ghandi which is a fascinating book (by Katherine Frank).

I'm catching the train to Varkala early in the morning so shouldn't really be staying up to watch Utd v Spurs.... Obviously I am though.

Saturday 15 January 2011

Back on the traveller trail

Yesterday I went on a Kerala backwater trip.

The tropical scenery around Kochi is breathtaking. The trip involved a houseboat and canoe trip! A couple of pics:

I've been really impressed with Kerala. It certainly seams the most well run region of India. The roads are good, it's clean and tidy and there are little or no slums. It surprised me to realise that the region has been run by the democratically elected Indian Communist Party for the majority of time since independence. Make of that what you will.

It was also the last day in my suite :o( Back to slumming it in a bog standard room...

Today I got my rucksack repaired (bloody baggage handlers roped of one of the support straps!) and then hired a tuk tuk to take me around Fort Cochin.

Nothing else to report other than the fact I'm now addicted to watching the Asian Cup. Sadly India have been hammered in every game...

Thursday 13 January 2011


Although travelling with a broken foot is not the easiest I made it to Kochi in Kerala with no real problems, well bar hanging around in Bangalore airport for 7 hours!

The home-stay I booked into had no standard rooms available so the had to put me in the suite. It's been quite tough to adapt from the usual bug ridden hovel to a two room apparent, but I'm sure I'll manage!!

Today I saw the sea for the first time since Brighton beach on 10th October! (I know it's not the same sea)

Tomorrow I've booked onto a 7 hour boat trip through the Kerala backwaters so I'm back on the traveller trail once again, broken foot or no broken foot!!

I even found a football stadium to go an have a look at, with the most bizarre local athletics meet in progress.

I think I can safely say I'm back!!

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Broken Foot

No recent post because I haven't really been able to do much since breaking my foot.

That said the last couple of days I can at least walk about as the foot is now in plaster:

Since then I managed to make another trip to the races for the Calcutta Derby. And a trip to watch East Bengal FC vs Pune FC in the Indian professional football league:

Tomorrow I fly down to Kochi in Kerala for a bit of warmth and sun!

Sunday 2 January 2011


Just to update everyone on why I've disappeared...

On the 30th I went over on my ankle and landed on a stone. Result, broken 5th Metatarsal. As such foot is strapped up and nothing to report.

Happy New Year though!!!