Tuesday 15 February 2011


So where to start... It seems like months ago I arrived in Mumbai.

I was lucky on my first few days to be hosted by an old friend Mark from uni (take a bow Mr Trayling). So after meeting up, I seemed to jump in straight at the deep end!

So day one... After a few beers at the Royal Bombay Yacht Club, we took out a yacht and went on a spin around the harbour followed by a bit of lunch (plus obvious beer) at the Taj Hotel, then it was back to the yacht club before later stumbling along to a karaoke bar...

Day two involved a trip to Mumbai's only gig venue before back to Marks for a date with a bottle of Johnny Walker Black Label...

After days one and two it was safe to say I was a bit wiped out so definitely needed a couple of days r'n'r

Since Mark left for New York (allowing my liver to recover) I spent the next few days exploring to sights of Mumbai, watching a bit of amateur cricket and taking in the odd bar.... (Playing endless Bryan Adams, god help us)

Further update when I reach Singapore

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